Friday, 20 November 2009

Shot list- Top screen

Kings Norton Boys School – Media Department
Shot ListTitle: Sculptors – Fall (Top Screen)
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1LS/ Establishing Shot (ES)Sculptors from the frontPlaying introduction to the track. Band looks calm and collected whilst only Rythem (Callum), and drums (Christian) play.
2CUFocus on the body of the rhythm guitar.Callum playing rhythm guitar (plucking strings).
3ECUShooting bass drum pedal.Looking at the bass pedal striking the drum in time to its movement in the track.
4CUHi-hat that plays in the break.As it hits triplets it becomes the focus in the track.
5/6CUGuitar (Jack) and bass (Joe) shots intertwine between each other.The tracks are played on each and shots changed between them on the beat.
7CUJake singing from side on.Sings the first part of the lyrics starting on “take what you give”.
8CUShooting Jake singing down the mike.Singing end of first verse and going into bridge, whilst Jake stairs down the mike.
9MSLooking up from the floor through the snare at Christian.Christian playing Fall whilst being oblivious to camera. This is the first shot with the masks on with Christian having the surprised expression.
10LSShooting band from behind.They steady into the chorus as we see the back of their heads.
11MCUJake singing the chorus for a shorter amount of time this time around.Jake singing chorus “Creeping up the back stairs…”

12CUShot of ride.Christian hitting ride in time.

13LSWhole band from front.Playing and getting into chorus.

14MSLooking up at Callum.Playing rhythm guitar with the smug mask on.

15MSShot of JoeJoe Playing into the second verse.

16CUShot of Jack’s pedal board.Stomps pedal off.

17ECUShooting bass drum pedal.Looking at the bass pedal striking the drum in time to its movement in the track.
18CUQuickly taking a shot of Joe with the mask on.Joe playing bass with sad mask on.

19CUJake singingAgain looking down the mike into the camera.

20CUShot of hi-hatHits the hi-hat in a quick transaction between shots.

21CUJake SingingShot from the right of Jake singing.
22CUCymbal strikesWatching the cymbals strike and build up the song.
23CUJack in the maskShot of the angry mask for about 2-3 seconds.
24MSShot of drum kitSong speeds up and the drums pronounce this.
25CUShot of cymbalQuick shot of cymbals to break up shots.
26LSWhole of the band playing speed up song.All getting more and more intense as song has become more aggressive.
27-29CUShots of the two guitars and the bass.All quickly changing between each other as prep for speed change for montage.
30CUJake with maskHappy mask looking down the mike.
31-A montage till end of song of all shots.


A key theme in our video is the masks that feature in the abstract parts and also all band members end up wearing a mask.


The principle actors in the video is the band members (myself included) as we wanted the band to be the centre of the video. The is also acting from Shuja Pasha who is a member of our group but also has completed A2 level Drama.


Our group consists of:

Joe Stark- Me
Robert McCarthy
Shuja Pasha

As a group we have a nice blend of artistic, creative and technical ability. I choose to work with these people as it would give the perfect range of talents to complete the task and do it well.


Me- Band member, Editing, Producer
Rob- Director, cameraman
Shuja- Artwork, Producer

Monday, 16 November 2009

Shooting So Far

So far we have filmed alot of the abstract in and around the cotteridge/Stirchley area. We have also shot several shots in Birmingham City Centre including the Frankfurt German Market, which comes to Birmingham every christmas. We have also recorded footage of the drummer at Rich Bitch Recording studios and are due to have another session tomorrow to get the rest of the performance shots. We will then only have a few more abstract shots to take before editing can begin.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Chosen Locations

The various locations we have chosen are:

* The O2 Academy Birmingham to get some live shots and crowd shots.
* Rich Bitch recording studios to get the performance shots.
* Various locations in the Cotteridge/Stirchley/Bournville area to get abstract shots such as:

* Middleton Hall Road
* Behind Cotteridge Shops
* Various Alleys in Cotteridge
* Fitness First Carpark
* Behind Stirchley Co-Op
*Various Woodland
* Rob's House

Shot List

We planned our video shot by shot. Because our video is planned to be splitscreen with a performance and an abstract on each half respectively, we created two seperate timelines comparable against each other. To do this we used a peice of A1 paper and used post-it notes to write all our shot ideas and structure down and then organize them into the order we wanted. We then organized this into a grouped shotlist of which shots would be need to taken in what location.

Meeting Adam Stokoe (Cameraman/Producer)

We meet Adam Stokoe who offered us advice on how to use the cameras and also on how to get a well rounded production. It helped see the best ways to use the hardware we had, giving use advice on how to hold the cameras best, capture, framing, how to use focus, exposure and white balance properly and the best ways to move the camera. He also helped give his opnion on whether our ideas were achievable and the best ways to achieve them.

Sculptors Gig O2 Academy Birmingham

Sculptors Onstage

Show Times

Setting Up

The new O2 Academy Birmingham

Joe Stark

The Crowd Before

Setting up

Jack McCaugherty

Dressing Room